Tuesday, August 8, 2017

First List of Paradoxes


Merriam-Webster Definition of Paradox

      "a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true."

An appreciation of paradox is the ultimate of common sense. This is in conflict with the notion ( as per the dictionary) that it is opposed to common sense. My intent of exploring paradox as a part of our human experience is to promote an appreciation for same. Metaphorically, the experience of a good paradox can be compared to appreciating a fine wine. It takes time and multiple life experiences to better appreciate a “fine” paradox. Nonetheless, a good paradox is no better than a bad one.  

Where to start in the discussion?  There is no place to start and yet one starts.

To know is to know that we do not know.

To better experience a sense of control comes through accepting that we are not in control.

The twelve beatitudes are blessings that no one seems to want.

We are powerful, yet we are very weak and vulnerable.

The value of the objective lies in the subjective.

The subjective is not important but yet it is most important.

The Truth is not about a certainty but rather relates to probabilities and the pragmatic.  “I came that you might know life more abundantly”  

Facts and reason are relatively irrelevant to the way it is, particularly as it relates to human behavior.

Facts and reason are important, yet they reflect poorly as to the reality of human experience.

Truth does not involve appreciating an ultimate reality, but rather involves a fuller appreciation of “it depends”.

Grieving and loving are the same but clearly different.

To grieve a loss promotes love and life.

To fully live is to fully accept death.

What we do matters but yet it doesn’t matter.

If there is a problem in the yang look to the yin and vice versa.

Dilemmas are human creations but can’t be destroyed through human effort(s).

The why is essential but yet attachment to same promotes struggles. (We are tempted by the fruit that allows us to know good from evil)

Evil is not bad per se, it is what it is.

Denial of evil is bad, in part because denial of good is bad.

One man’s food is another’s poison.  And one man’s poison is another’s food.

Most potent medicines are also potent poisons.

It depends because there are likely no coincidences.

We need to control the chaos of our lives but our attempts to control only make matters worse!

To love and be loved truly matters, yet it seems to mean nothing.

We are rotting away and yet to fully accept same is crazy!

Our acknowledged authority is the Pharisees, yet they are vipers who bite and can kill us.

Nothing can cause anything because nothing is literally no thing, let alone any thing.

Life goes on because of death.

The concept of ego while helpful and arguably essential, the ego concept is essential to better acknowledge how limited the concept is.

I am not God yet I am a child of God and similar to the story of Jesus I am to fully acknowledge and accept that like Jesus, I and others are God or God’s children incarnate.

What we believe is very important.  Beliefs are often false and cause immense unnecessary suffering.

We need to acknowledge an external God, yet we are to more fully accept that God is in all of us and we are to be extensions of God.

In the mystery lies the greatest truths.

A pair of docs are likely helpful yet problematic.

I need to go because I have nothing important to do.

Pretext for an excuse is often the best excuse. 

Please contribute to the blog, as you wish, knowing that what you wish or want doesn’t really matter.

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